Sunday, September 22, 2024

Episode 8: A Powerful Curse


The following is based on true events with elements of erotica added. It is intended for adult audiences. Similarities to real individuals is coincidental. Names and likenesses have been changed. Please read at your own risk. 

Episode 1: 

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:


A powerful Indian curse was placed upon this land. Everyone is horny. Smudge that dick! 

I shot up out of bed. Gorth and the gang were all in deep slumber. Snores played like musical cacophony. I looked at my phone. 4:44 am. My alarm would go off in less than a minute. I had to shower, shave, and trim my pubic hair. I don't know why I was trimming it, but I had not grown pubic hair in years. Ever since I was a child. I just never liked the feel of it. Being soft and smooth down there was always my thing. 

I made my way down to the shower to do those things and parts of my dream kept coming back to me. I imagined the smoke from the sage wrapping around my penis. At first it felt good -- the member spasming as if it was about to shoot sperm. But then it fell off. It just broke off and shriveled up and died. I looked down in horror, picking it up and began to sob uncontrollably. That's when I awoke.

I didn't want to work today. I was starting to love my job, and the money was good, but I needed what Gorth would call a "mental health day." I needed to talk to that man on the bus again. I needed to make my way north to buy some sage. I had done my research, and found a little metaphysical shop called Alkemy Explorations in Port Angeles. The facebook page said that they stocked sage, and I was all too excited to get my hands on some and put this nasty curse behind me. I wanted to work, make money, and live my life. I was tired of the compulsive masturbation and sexual thoughts that were bringing me to ruin. I did not come here for this purpose. And with what happened yesterday in the dish pit, I was in danger of getting fired. 

"Yeah, I'm not going to be able to come in today," I told the lady at the front desk. This one was a firecracker. She had shaved her head and gave me a side eye that made me feel like a skunk. 
"You don't sound sick," she said.
"It's a MENTAL HEALTH DAY!" I replied. I maybe sounded perturbed. I felt bad.

"Do what you have to do. I'll tell them, but you know, you could just walk across the foyer and tell them yourself."
"Nah, I don't want to do that," I said, slipping out the sliding glass door that lead to the beach. 

The bus would arrive soon, and I waited for it at the bus shelter on the opposite side of the mercantile store. 

I hope he's on it today... 

Before long, the bus came speeding around the bend. The driver opened the door and motioned for me to board. He was a in a hurry due to all the construction in the area that had made the bus run behind schedule. He was also covered in sweat and I wondered what else had transpired. To my relief, the old guy with the pony tail was sitting near the back and I made my way towards him. He was the only person on the bus, and he recognized me from the day before.

"It's a good thing you missed the show," he said. 

"Oh?" I asked.

"Yeah. A couple hippie girls wanted to practice their... you know what. I'm not going to even talk about it."


It didn't matter. I wasn't here for that. I was here to find out what was going on with the Indian curse. 

"The other day you told me there was a Native American curse put on the land here. Could you tell me more please?"

"Cunnlingus," he said. 

"What?" I said. 

"That's what they wanted to practice. I forgot the word." He smiled. "I should tell you my name. It's Rodney. And you are?"

"I'm Dmitry," I said. 

"Dmitry," he said slowly. "Listen carefully"

"Many years ago, two white men came to the nearby reservation in search of food and shelter from the winter rain. But when they saw the chief's daughter they bit off more than they could chew. They tried to get her alone and once they did, they were about to take a turn with her, but the chief emerged at the moment they were about to enter into her, and they bolted into the dense rainforest completely naked.

"They were tracked and hunted by the natives for a week in the forest. The natives here are experts at finding people in the woods, and they were perplexed at how these two white men evaded them. In fact, it bothered them all greatly. But what happened next was something that would shake them to the core. The white men emerged again and tried to rape her once more! The tribal people followed the men again through the forest, but could not catch the men and eventually lost them. When they returned to their village, they were seen as failures. How could these two outsiders evade them? The chief was furious and consulted with his medicine man. The medicine man said that the only way to fight someone was to exploit their weakness.

'The white man is a horny man.His penis rules him. His brain is in his nut sack. He craves sex and sex only. He will take it from who he can. Let's turn up that craving. Let's make it unbearable.'

'Every man,' the chief instructed, 'who is not tribal, who sets foot in these forests, shall be put under the curse.'

'Every man and woman who are not tribal,' the medicine man said in agreement. 'So shall it be. I will imbue the curse in a physical talisman that shall end the curse if broken. Only when it becomes too much for us to bear, then the talisman shall be destroyed.'

It is said that the talisman is somewhere here amongst the tribes of the coast. It is also said that the closer one gets to the talisman, the hornier they become."

The curse has spread on the trees, the grasses, the animals and the tides. It is a part of the land. It seeps in deeper each year. It's power grows. One day it shall be too much. 

"Later on it was discovered that the men had fallen off a cliff in their escape and their bodies washed ashore at an island in the distance that is now known as Destruction Island because it is where they met their destruction. Yet, it was too late. The curse had already been in place and was not to be broken."

I smiled. All this seemed so absurd. But even I had to admit that I had been feeling it lately. 

"Sh*t," Rodney said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's those girls again. They got off the bus a while back but they must have hitchhiked and passed us when we turned into the lodge," Rodney replied. He then yelled to the bus driver, "you're not going to let them back on, are you?"

"I have to," the driver said with a grin on his face. "Transit rules say I have to let everyone on who could provide the driver with a round of pleasure."

"Ohhh, fancy seeing you again, you big ol' hunk," one of the women said as she climbed on the bus. "I just love this big fat thick girthy bus." She was wearing fishnet tights and a short skirt and a crimson red tank top. Her lips were bright red and she had long black hair with purple highlights. She was perhaps in her early 30s. You could tell her nipples were pierced as she wore no bra and the tanktop pushed against them with an intense fervor.

The other girl was older and had a 'sexy grandma' look she was going for but not quite reaching. She had grey-blonde hair and wore tight crotchless spandex pants. Yes, you could see her big hairy mound and she reeked of a bit too much cheap perfume. 

"Our ride didn't want to play," the older woman said, with a pouty tone. "He was some serious native guy." 

"We're really horny still, if that's okay," the younger woman said. She then looked at me. "Looks like we have a new rider," she said. "Want to see a little show?"

"Now transit rules say..." the driver began.

"NO!" Rodney said. "Just keep driving!"

"I'm going to show you how to lick a beaver," the younger woman said, laughing. 

I thought of the Beaver tails I used to get at the fair. But I'm sure that this woman had something else in mind. 

"What are the rules for riding the bus completely butt-ass naked?" the same woman asked the driver.

"Transit rules encourage it," he said, smiling. "In fact, it may be a law soon that all women must abide by." 

"Good, it's way too hot on this bus for clothing," and with that she ripped off her clothes, decimating her tights and throwing them towards the driver who had installed a much bigger rearview mirror than before. I also noticed there were many cameras around the bus, some branded with an OnlyFans logo. 

"Oh, you're such a little slut!" the older woman said. "I love my little slut!"

"Come here Patty!" the younger one said. "Come get your beaver!"

"Oh I'm so ready for a little woodland snack!" she replied, getting on her knees. The bus hit a bump in the road and we all bounced. "Mmmmm.. wild ride. I love it."

"Beaver needs a lickin'!" 

"Beaver going to get a long lickin'!"

"Mmmmmmmmmm that feels so good!" 

"It tastes so good!!"

I just sat there, watching it as if I could not turn away. I felt some strange feeling coming over me, and although I would have been disturbed by this scene at one point, I actually found it somewhat enjoyable to watch. I had never imagined that Rodney could be right, but now I was seeing that what was going on before me was not at all normal. 


"Do you want to see how I flip an Egg?" Clyde asked. His large hands were shaking and there was a bit of sweat on his brow forming. 

"Why not?" Erica said. 

"I take it like this and whoops! It would seem I got some shell in it it!" Clyde said. The chef gave him a side eye glance. "It's hot in here, isn't it?" He smiled as best as he could, but the mishap bothered him.

"Rica, you been working here a while?"

"It's Erica, with an E," she said.

"Oh, yes, of course," Clyde replied. 

There was a certain hidden tension that existed between the both of them, that was apparent at the start. 

"Clyde, I need you to come back to the office for a bit," the chef said. Clyde followed. I liked how he (or was Clyde a she? I didn't know yet) cracked jokes that were only appreciated by very few in the kitchen and front of house staff. What a vibe this individual had!

Gorth seemed immediately in love, but would not admit it. He kept making little mistakes whenever Clyde would emerge. There was a certain level of intrigue present, but I think that he was put off by the fact that he did not know what gender Clyde was. 

Clyde loved Gorth's bushy beard. "It is a thing of beauty, and that dark brooding vibe. HAWT!"

But the chef was starting to wonder if he had hired the right person for the job. Clyde kept breaking eggs and that was starting to piss the chef off something awful. 

"When I hired you, I thought you could cook an egg," the chef said. "Well, can you or can't you?"

"I can sir," Clyde said. "I can cook the best damn egg this side of Tucson." 

"Then DO IT," Chef Bill said. "And enough of the f*cking jokes!"

"Yes sir!"


"Lick it! Lick it! Lick it!" she cried.

"Mmmm... Yes Wanda.  it tastes so good!" Patty said.

"I have something welling up inside of me that you are going to LOVE the taste of!" 

"Oh I can't wait!" 


"Rica, I ruined another egg. F*ck!"

"I told you it's not Rica, it's Erica!"

"Sorry, I'm trying."

"Please, try harder."

"All of this is difficult. Names. Eggs. The heat..."


"You are soooooo good at this!" Wanda said. "I'm about to squirt!"

"No! Not on the bus!" the driver yelled looking back.

Patty's tongue was jammed deep inside Wanda at this point and she wiggled around with such intensity that it didn't even look natural. 

"Too f*cking late!!!" Wanda screamed as liquid came shooting out of her vagina. I watched in awe. It just kept coming like a dam had broke. It was beyond-words-beautiful. The whole bus reeked of it. I wondered if the cameras were streaming the scene. If so, the driver had to be making serious cash at this point. What a gig! 

"Shit!" The driver said, pulling over. "I can't have this!" 


"Another egg. I don't know what's wrong with me today." 

"I'm sorry, but are you a cook or a dumbass?" The chef said. 

"I'm trying," Clyde said. "Rica, how do you get these eggs to crack like you do?"

"I told you over and over again that my name is not Rica! It's ERICA!"

"Listen, I'm new here! I'm trying."

"You are NOT trying!  It is MY name!"


"We all gotta scrub this up before we get to Forks," the driver said. "I have a bus inspection coming up and if they see this I'm done." 

"That felt so amazing," Wanda said, laying on her back on the floor completely naked. She was breathing hard while lightly rubbing her clit at this point. "So so amazing. Mmmmm..."

"My turn!" Patty said. 

"You already had two orgasms today!" Wanda scolded. 

"But I didn't get a squirt in like that!" Patty replied, pouting. 

"It's not my fault you have a harder time squirting. It comes natural for some of us and others need more practice," Wanda said, moving her fingers around her clit. "I don't want this feeling to end," she said, pushing two of her fingers deeper into her vagina. 

"You just orgasmed!" the bus driver said. "We have cleaning to do!"


"We need to clean this mess up," Chef Bill said, looking at the egg yolk that was dripping off the side of the stove.

"I'm on it sir," Clyde said. 

"This is a disaster," the chef said. "Clean this up and then we need to talk in my office." 

"Yes sir," Clyde said, wiping the egg. Some plopped on the floor and Clyde pushed it under the oven with his shoe. 


At this point both women were laying on the floor of the bus fingering themselves while the driver cleaned up the ground with his spare work shirt. Rodney and I just sat there looking out the window, wondering when the bus was going to start moving again. 

"There's something about when this bus passes any of the reservations that drives people crazy," Rodney said. 

"I'm so dead. I'm so going to get fired for this!" the driver said, about to break down. "I can't lose this job. I can't."

The women ignored him, just rolling around the remainder of Wanda's juices and fingering themselves as if nobody cared. 


"I can make an egg. I don't know what's going on Chef. I am just off my game today."

"I need you to figure this out as soon as possible. You told me you had a lot of experience. What kind of cook doesn't know how to make a f*cking egg?!"

"I am going to try a lot harder sir."

"So, do you have a dick or what?" the chef asked.

"I beg your pardon?"

"What are you? A man or a woman?" 

"I'm Clyde, chef."

"You have a dick in there?"

"Yeah. But that has little to do with cooking," Clyde said.

"It has EVERYTHING to do with cooking!"

"I don't see how." 

"I want you to stop trying to be witty and do your job," the chef snapped. "When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. When I say jump, you say how f*cking high! When I say 'do you have a dick' you say yes or no. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, do you have a dick or not?"

"Yes sir."

"Good! Now get back to work!"


After switching buses and making my way to Port Angeles, I found the shop known as Alkemy Explorations. It was a small store tucked in with some restaurants near the pier. The woman inside was friendly and I asked her about buying some sage. She pointed out a small bunch. "It's ethically sourced, which is important," she said. I nodded. 

"How much?"

"$17," she said. More than an hour's wages...

"What are you using it for?"

"To smudge..." I said, trailing off. 

"What do you need to smudge," she said, looking at me with a smile. 

"Um, it's just for... you know...general smudging." 

"If this is for your penis, it's not going to work," she said. 

"How'd you know?"

"You smell like sex," she said. "You were down south. I have a good nose. Come with me to the back."

She moved a tapestry aside and there was a small door behind it. I had to crouch to get through. 

"I hide the powerful stuff back here. That stuff up front is child's play. Fantasy. Make believe. This is the real stuff." 

My eyes moved across shelves holding tinctures, animal bones, herbs, potions, incantation scrolls, and a jar with black sage in it. "This is the one," she said, grabbing it. "This sage will remove the curse each time you burn it. But be aware that it only lasts one day per burn, so use it wisely."

"How much?"

"The bunch is $500," she said. My jaw dropped. "I know, it's not cheap," she added.

"Does the other stuff work?"

"Not really. For some it's like a placebo. But worthless for most." 

"Is there any way you'd give me a discount?" I asked.

"I can't do that. We already sell this marginally above cost. But I can give you a smaller bunch. We have one about half the size I could give you for $250." 

"Okay," I said. "I'll take it!"

"Now, when you smudge, make sure your entire penis is covered in the smoke. Don't be shy. You'll be tempted to conserve the sage, but if you don't use enough it won't work. The entire dong has to be covered in smoke for enough time to really let it in the pores. A little too much is better than not enough."

I was bummed at the amount of money I had to spend to get the sage, but I was happy to have some kind of weapon to protect me from getting in trouble. I figured this was an investment into my job security. Rhonda would have no means to fire me if I could just leave my penis alone. 

On my way home I stopped by a little coffee stand in Forks for what was to become my new favorite drink. An iced white chocolate peanut butter coffee with whipped cream. It was like a dream dancing upon my tongue. I savored every drop and then took the whipped cream and let it linger in my mouth before swallowing it. It was absolutely divine!

I was so excited to meet Clyde and would soon hear all the stories from his first day of work. I am sure that having a transgender cook was going to make everything beautiful in the world, and I was ready for that. Soon I would find out for myself!


"How was your first day?" Gorth asked Clyde as they both sat in the break room.

" shitty."

(That's when I walked in)

Clyde was tall, pale, and had a look of quiet sincerity on his...or was it a her...face. I didn't know. It was all so new for me. My heart beat so fast. Clyde looked at me, smiled, and said, "hey."

"Hey," I said. "I'm Dmitry." I reached my hand out to shake Clyde's but tripped over a chair. 

Wow, stupid I thought. Not the best first impression. There was a part of me that long dreamed of being transgender. 

"I have heard a lot about you," Clyde said.

"You have?"

"Of course, you are something of a legend in the kitchen." 

"I am?"

"I hear you take baths in the dish pit." 

"Oh...who told you that?"

"Everyone knows about it."

"Even Rhonda?"

"Even Patricia!"

"The General Manager?"

"Yeah. They were looking for you today."


"Well, my day sucked so I'm going to go home and wail in my sorrows," Clyde said. "See you tomorrow. I'll tell you about it then. I have to practice cracking some eggs!"

"I guess so," I said, thinking about what was in store for me. Maybe it was too late for the sage.

"Oh, and Rica can be a real bitch, just between us," Clyde said, winking.


"The cook."

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Episode 10: The Great Deluge

  D isclaimer:  The following is based on true events with elements of erotica added. It is intended for adult audiences. Similarities to re...