Friday, September 20, 2024

Episode 7: Dishpit Debauchery


The following is based on true events with elements of erotica added. It is intended for adult audiences. Similarities to real individuals is coincidental. Names and likenesses have been changed. Please read at your own risk. 

Episode 1: 

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:


I never felt such trepeditation or excitement in my life. Here I was, chasing down this van as it rounded the corner. In the distance the ocean looked glorious. Sparkling yet enigmatic. And tonight I would propose to the woman of my dreams. Earlier this morning I had took her order. Lilliana took over but she was now powerless from taking what would be mine: Dawn.

The van came to a stop at one of the prime oceanfront cabins. Dawn opened the door and her naked leg glistened in the sun. I pictured her, walking along the path to Irely Lake compltely nude, and taking a dip in the cool mountain water. Her delicious breasts floating up to the surface while she swam around, not giving one damn if any park ranger came upon her. Strength in numbers, as their leader proclaimed. I wonder how many of those nudists looked at her, dreaming of giving her a good boning. How I wished I was there, but I would have had a hard time hiding my enthusiasm from the rest of the group. 

The old man spilled out from the driver's seat of the van, and gave me a scowl. I wanted to flip him the bird, but resisted. I was not here to make a scene. I was here to get engaged. It was now or never. I walked confidently up to Dawn, got on one knee, and said, "Dawn, I know that this isn't what you expected after a long nude swim in Irely lake, but I feel that this is destiny. Will you marry me?"

I felt every eye on me. The old man was probably gritting his teeth, but I did not care one bit. I waited for what seemed an eternity before Dawn finally said, "Yes! I will marry you!" 

I could not contain my excitement. I jumped up and hugged her tight. "Meet me near the campground early, before my shift. At four AM, before the sun rises. Please. There is nobody there, and I want to watch the sun rise with you!" She said yes. She said yes!


The moon was high above the ocean and I sat in the ferns of the campsite waiting for Dawn. It was now 4:03 and I knew she had to emerge any moment. I decided to take off my clothing and wait for her to arrive. I'd be naked. After all, she was a nudist, and she would understand such primal desires. She would also be my wife, and we would live a life without clothing as much as possible. I imagined her coming upon me, and seeing my body, and wanting to make love to me. It would be beautiful. 

Yet, time moved forward and the moon hovered over the ocean as the sun was about to rise in the east. At five o'clock I wondered if she would ever come. Eventually, reality hit me, and I knew that it was all just a very vivid dream. I don't know when the previous day ended and the fantasy merged with sleep, but I felt like a complete idiot now. Here I was, naked waiting for someone who obviously would have never said yes to marriage with a guy she had just met. I realized that perhaps I was going crazy. Perhaps this place leads to some kind of insanity. Yet, here I was, naked amongst the ferns, with the wind on my body. I was cold but aroused. I decided to not waste this moment. I would play the fantasy out and imagine her coming towards me, climbing on top of me, and wrapping her legs around me with her arms wrapped around me. I was going to make love to that woman one way or another, and it would be in my mind. 

I pictured her, on top of me, back to me, facing upwards, as I held her breasts and kissed her neck. Her face looked upward towards the moonlight. She wiggled and orgasmed as I fondled her clitoris and squeezed her right breast, pulling at her erect nipple. Then I exploded deep within her. Absolute magic. 

After an intense orgasm that sadly spilled on the ground instead of in my dream wife's vagina, I stood up and began to feel a powerful need to itch. I began to scratch my butt and realized that my legs were also burning up. I began to itch them furiously. In fact, my whole backside was now stinging and to my horror, I realized that I had laid in some kind of poison ivy or similar plant! I quickly dressed through the excruciating pain and made my way back to the cabin as fast as possible.

When I reached the room I was desperate to shower and scrub it all off me. Yet, to my horror, the shower was being used. Inside, I heard Gorth moaning to his own morning fantasy. I knew he was not going to be out any time soon and I needed to shower now. But there was no way to do so! Then I had an idea. There was ONE way! I never imagined it would come to this. I grabbed my work uniform and ran out, across the street, and to the kitchen. At this point everything was burning. I tore my clothing off, throwing it on the floor by the salad table, and climbed onto the dish sink and flopped in. I started the warm water and put some disinfectant into it. I began to scrub myself furiously. 

Here I was, completely naked in the kitchen! It felt good to be in the water, but the film from the ivy was still on my skin. I made my way to the spray nozzle and climbed onto the metal counter where the dishes were prepared to go into the dish washing machine itself. I allowed the spray to slap against my body. I aimed it into my buttcrack and felt the pressure of the spray to give me the ultimate enima! 

Every. Time. I. Masturbate. Here. I. Regret. It! 

Then, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a woman standing behind me, mouth wide open, jaw dropped, taking the whole scene in. Her eyes could not avert themselves from the image of me, propping myself up, with the nozzle jammed halfway up my butt. 

Diamanta was what her name tag said. It was wife of the man I had met on the bus. She wore large glasses and had dark black hair. On her fingers were many rings. One shined brightly with a large red gem. A ruby. She looked different than I imagined her. Younger. Prettier. And I was so embarrassed! In fact, this was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life. 

"I got poison ivy on me," I said.

"I... I... I'm just here to open.. Are you Dmitry?"

"Yeah..." I said.  "I'm so sorry. I didn't expect you to be here. Gorth was in the shower and it hurt. 

I noticed she continued to look at me, as if she was intrigued by the sight of it all. I could not tell if I was completely red from blushing or because of the pain from the ivy. 

"Would you do me a huge favor?" I asked. 

"Leave?" she asked.

"I need you to help scrub me. It hurts. I know it's strange," I said. 

"I guess I could," she said, moving closer to me. "This Orange Force will do the trick, but it's harsh on skin. I don't know what else to use," she said. 

It felt strange to have a person I had just met give me a bath. Had I not been in such pain, I would have enjoyed it a lot more. It felt nice to be touched by a female though, even if it was not Dawn. And this one was married, so I didn't allow myself to enjoy it as much as I could have. The orange force stung though. It was not made for skin. It was a high powered detergent that was meant for cleaning surfaces and harsh stains.

"Thank you," I said, climbing down from the sink. I already liked this person. She was so kind. I never expected a stranger to be so non-judgemental and helpful. I knew then she would be a friend. 

But I didn't expect to see Gorth walk in at that moment. In one hand he had his portable blender, and when he saw me there, standing next to Diamanta, completely naked and dripping with water, he dropped it. It cracked on impact with the hard floor.

"Oh my GAWWWWWWWD," he said. "What are you doing?! I told you that you could join me in the shower!" 

"I... I had poison ivy on me," I said. 

"How?" He asked. 

"I... uhh.. I tripped and fell on it."

I blushed. I imagined Diamanta wondering how it got up my butt, but she didn't say anything. I quickly put on my uniform as Gorth inspected his now broken blender canister. Now he had seen me naked...again. I knew he knew that I was probably somewhere in the forest pleasuring myself. I was never going to masturbate again...

Then the words of the man on the bus came to mind:

There is a powerful Indian curse put on the land here. The only way to get rid of it is to sage your penis. 

"Do either of you have any sage?" I asked. 

"Are you trying to change the subject?" Gorth said. 

"No, but there's nothing to talk about," I said.

"It seems that there is. If Rhonda finds out about this you'll get written up at best and fired at worst."

"Please, don't tell her," I said. "Please."

"I'll think about it," Gorth said. "But you know, my blender is broke. Maybe you can do something to make it up to me."

"Anything!" I said, regretting it immediately.

"I'll come up with something," Gorth said, smiling. 


I wondered at that moment what it would be that Gorth would come up with. Every time I walked past him, I imagined the torture that was in store for me. I shivered at the thought.

The chef emerged not too long after all of this and announced that the transvestite was going to be here any minute. 

"What do you mean transvestite?" Gorth asked. 

"The new hire. You were not here, but I hired a transvestite to lead the morning crew. He's not very skilled but he's willing to learn."

"So, he crossdresses like a woman?" Gorth asked. Erica's ears perked up. 

"No, he's a woman with a penis."

"That's transgender," Gorth said.

"I already went over this with Erica. I used to know a lot of transvestites and transexuals."

"No, you don't seem to know much at all," Gorth said. Whoa, he talks like that to the CHEF?!

"Excuse me, but just because you're gay doesn't mean you have a monopoly on knowledge about the world of transvestites."

"Stop saying that! It's a very derogatory term for a person that dresses in drag." 

"F*ck off," the chef said right when Rhonda stepped in.

"Is something wrong?" she inquired. Now, I have seen many women in my life, but there were few that had the instant authority that this woman had. At that moment, the chef, who was usually so confident in his own skin, stood up straight and looked like a deer in the headlights. 

"No ma'am!" he stammered. I could tell he was perturbed at his own powerlessness. It was almost cute in a pathetic way. 

"If you both need to talk about something, we can meet in my office later," Rhonda said. 

Now, Rhonda was the woman who had hired me, and I found her to be a kind woman. Yet, I could see that she commanded a certain amount of respect from both the chef and Gorth. Gorth followed her around like a puppy dog when she was around, and would seek her approval like a child to a parent. It was cute. Yet, she was not his parent. And although he didn't like to do a lot when she was not present, when this fair skinned woman was in the room, Gorth all the sudden took on the appearance of a man worthy of his title: morning shift manager. 

"Why is there water all over the floor?" Rhonda asked. 

"Well..." Gorth said, looking at me. "Dmitry was..."

I immediately interrupted. "I was trying to wash the dishes but it's my first time and I am sorry, it all just kind of exploded." 

Rhonda smiled. I don't know if she knew I was lying, but she seemed kind enough to let the issue pass. "I'll get this cleaned up," I added. 

"There's a bit more to the story, but I think we can leave it at that for now," Gorth said, winking at me. 

As I squeegeed the floor, I imagined myself hoisted up in the air, arms tied behind my back. I was completely naked, with my mouth gagged with one of Gorth's dirty shift socks. He pulled the rope, lifting me higher, as my penis dangled down towards him. Soon he would release the rope and I would come down towards the floor, where I would stop midair. 

Gorth would then take out a small whip and begin to wack me with it, laughing. "You should have showered with me, naughty boy," he would say as he slapped it against my sore butt. 

"You deserve this, you bad bad boy," he would add, as he opened a long box. Inside there was a silk cloth. I waited in rapt anticipation for what was inside. A long white feather emerged. 

Gorth cackled uncontrollably. "I hope your not ticklish," he said, allowing the bristles to touch my testicles. He then rubbed the feather against it ever so slowly in which my back arched and I started to make noise. The taste of the sock entered my mouth and I felt sick at this, but could not help but biting down upon it. It was absolutely beyond vile, and Gorth was loving every single intense moment of it.

"So you are ticklish, you little blender-busting fiend," he said, allowing the feather to move onto my sides. "This is fun. We are going to do this again and again, or I'll tell Rhonda about what you did," he said. "Agree?"

I hated it. I hated it so much. But I needed this job, and Rhonda would not be able to know that I used her dish pit as a bath tub to clean up sex ivy! 

"Well, will we make this a daily occurence?" he asked moving the feather along my belly.

I nodded as fast as I could. Oh, how I did not want to. How I wanted to strangle Gorth for this.

"This would be funner if I was naked," he said, letting the silk robe he was wearing fall from his body. "Now I have something for you to..."

I should not be imagining this! I realized. For all I knew, Gorth would have me clean the toilet. Maybe that would be it. I could do that. I could clean the nasty toilet. Or the oven. The oven was disgusting. I could clean that. Anything. I just could not handle being tickle tortured by my shift lead! No, never! 

"He's here! Clyde's here!" the chef said.

I looked behind me, and before me stood one who would change my life forever. 

He was.... intense! And... Well...

Author's Note:

I am not feeling my best tonight, and things are rough with trying to figure out what to do with the death of my wife's father (we did not get along at all, to be honest), but I will say that writing this story is incredibly therapeutic. I went to the dentist today and I made myself not think about this, as I could not help but laugh when it came to mind! Thank you again for reading. Part 8 will be out soon!

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Episode 10: The Great Deluge

  D isclaimer:  The following is based on true events with elements of erotica added. It is intended for adult audiences. Similarities to re...