Sunday, September 15, 2024

Episode 3: Bonfires and Beards


The following is based on true events with elements of erotica added. It is intended for adult audiences. Similarities to real individuals is coincidental. Names and likenesses have been changed. Please read at your own risk. 

I had deleted this blog, but due to a couple people requesting I bring it back, I am back!

Read Episode 1 First: 

This is Episode 3, Bonfires and Beards. Episode 2 is at:


"And there he was, jacking that thing off like it was going to run away!" Gorth said, howling in laughter. I looked at him like a deer in the headlights.

"Listen," a man with a bigger and more epic beard than even Gorth possessed began. "Every. Guy. Does. It. I did it twice today. Once on the clock."

My face was covered in red. "Names Domino," he added. "Nice to meet you." He extended his hand before pulling back. "Wait, did you wash that thing?" he said, smiling. 

"I... I... of course," I said. "I wash my hands all the time." 

Howls of laughter emerged. Everyone but me was probably drunk at this point. I hoped that they'd all forget this slimy mess I was in by the next morning. 

"You know, there are other things to f*ck here other than your hand," Domino said. 

"Oh?" I said, oblivious to whatever he was getting at.

"Yeah, this place is crawling with women. And the ones who visit are even hotter than the ones who work here." 

"I like MEN!" Gorth said, almost falling into the fire as he stood up to say it. 

Men? Gorth likes men? I am a man! Did he like what he saw? Did he salivate when he saw me? Oh, I should have known. Now it all made sense. Of course he was gay! The way he talked, dressed, walked. And now, bearing his soul to the world! How sweet. He liked men! But did he like me? I was a male, and I was new here. New blood always attracts attention in an isolated place. People love something novel and different. Anyone who can keep people entertained, guessing, wondering--those are the people who are unique. Everyone can bring that at first, but to keep people guessing and wondering and in awe for an extended period takes talent. 

It was a talent I was not sure that I had. Of course a part of me wanted to be liked, accepted, loved, and popular. I liked the attention I was getting as "the new guy." But the season here was just starting and there would be many "new guys." 

My worry was that my reputation would be tarnished by my furious masturbation session the night before, but the truth was, it didn't seem to be. The guys accepted it as normal behavior, and the girls didn't wince at all. In fact, one even seemed to take more of an interest in me as if my normal male behavior somehow made me more special.

Maybe they are sex starved here? I thought to myself. I looked around at the cabins, all segregated by gender. Surely there was not much sex happening in such a place. Surely the desire was there but the chances were nil. And, we were like a big family here. At least that's what Gorth told me earlier. Who has sex with family members? Not me! 

"It's such a beautiful night," Esmerelda, a recent hire who was around twenty two proclaimed. The stars were shimmering above the camp fire that roared. "Let's put on some music!" another voice added.

"Okay, okay, let's be democra... democra... let's vote on a song," Gorth said. He was clearly drunk now and moved around with a drink in one hand and his phone about to fall out of the other. 

"Let's listen to Hozier!" a younger woman shouted. She too was flopping around in drunken ecstacy and her boyfriend caught her right before she fell into the fire. 

"Who wants Hozier?" Gorth said, sitting down. Nobody replied. "Well, I'm going to put it on anyway."

The ominous sounds of "Take me to Church" played as the flames danced. The whole thing seemed almost religious. The gathering of people letting their inhibitions vanish under the spell of various drinks after a hard day of work in a lodge far away from any town or semblance of civilization. A gay man with a beard. A horny man with a much bigger beard. Young women dazed and dancing under the moonlight. And me, somehow here as if by serendipity. I felt incredibly out of place all of the sudden. 

"I work tomorrow, I should go to bed," I said. 

"Bed? Or are you going to rub one out?" Gorth said. Domino howled and the others followed suit. I blushed incredibly hard and shook my head. "No, I..." I didn't know what to say. 

No, I was not going to masturbate again. I was never going to masturbate again for the rest of my life! I was soooo embarassed! 

"Your beard is so well manicured," Esmerelda said to Domino. "How do you do it?"

"Beard oil?"

"What kind do you use?" Gorth said. It was no secret that Gorth was a purveyor of beard oils and other such products. The apartment was full of various oils to make his beard one of the best in Clallam county. 

"A master never tells," Domino said, laughing. Then his eyes moved towards a couple of women talking amongst each other. He watched them as the shadows of the fire moved against their bodies. At the same time Gorth was eying Domino. The tension looked thick. A small bulge was appearing in both the pants of both these men. They were hungry, but such hunger would not be fed tonight. 

"I need to sleep, I work tomorrow too," Esmerelda said. Her long blond hair now had the smell of smoke within--as did mine. I would shower in the morning. The other girls stood up to join her and followed her into their apartment. Their butts wiggled while they walked, which was like a beacon to Domino who lustfully watched, biting his lip every so slightly. 

Gorth and Domino were alone now, with the light of the moon shining above them. A gay man and a straight man, both highly aroused, but without a way to satisfy their urges together. Truly a shame. 

I closed my eyes and felt the soft mattress under me. I now wore my pajamas, as I found that when I did not I was more likely to want to pleasure myself. Gorth walked up the stairs naked and passed right by me. My eyes opened to see his jiggler flailing about as he moved next to my face. The hair covered all but the tip, which was a dark maroon color. I turned over and vowed to do whatever it took to get that image permanently out of my mind. 

I did not. I am writing about it. That penis is etched in my head for all time. 

I had a dreamy sleep, and one such dream is worth mentioning here. When my eyes closed, I was whisked away to to the kitchen, where I was double toasting an English muffin as Gorth had instructed me. I was lost in thought, calculating my earnings for the morning, when I turned around and saw that all the cooks were completely naked. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

The chef smiled at me, and said "you are a server, and this does not concern you."

"You are naked," I said. 

"Of course, we are naked," the female cook said (she was the same one from the morning, but I had yet to ask for her name), "it's hotter than hell back here." 

I turned around to grab the english muffin that had just emerged from the toaster, taking a moment to appreciate the reflection of the voluptuous cook's gorgeous breasts when all of the sudden I heard something happening in the back that I could not ignore.

I slowly made my way to the back when I heard the chef on his knees on one of the big metal prep tables grunting like a bull elk in heat. He was furiously milking himself when he looked up at me and said, "how dare you!" He then grabbed two slices of thick bread and let himself go inside of them. His whole body convulsed as he almost fell off the table. He rolled around and said, "I love this job!" 

His eyes then met mine, and he glared at me as he climbed off the table. He made his way to the large prep board that hung on the back wall near the dish pit, and crossed off "stuffed French toast" from the list before taking it out to the cook who set it next to the salad table. 


I shot awake. Somehow I was now naked, too. I don't know how it happened. I had went to bed completely dressed. I slowly looked around, but could not find my pajamas. I saw that one of my roommates was in a deep sleep, and the other, as well as Gorth, were gone. I slowly got out of bed and covered myself in a towel. I made my way downstairs and heard the shower  going. I sat on the couch and waited for my turn. I thought about what Gorth had told me when I had moved in about sharing the shower. No, I would never do that, I told myself. 

I opened the windows for some fresh air. That dream (or should I say nightmare) was too much for me. I had yet to actually meet the chef, and now I wondered if I would ever get that image out of my head. 

I was lost in thought when Gorth emerged from the shower. "Were you waiting?" he asked.

"Yes, I was," I said. 

"You could have joined me. I used all the hot water," he said. "But it comes back quickly. About fifteen minutes." 

"Oh," I said, disappointed. I worked in half an hour. 

"Rhonda changed the schedule, by the way. You're off today," Gorth said. 

"I am?"

"Yeah, she wants you to work the weekend. We have a big group coming in. The Nudist Walkers. There will be twenty seven of them, and she wants you to get some practice taking a big table."

"A big table of nudists?"

"Oh, they wear their clothing in the restaurant," Gorth said, almost sounding disappointed. 

Gorth made his way upstairs, butt shaking and jiggling as he walked, and I went into the bathroom. Soon it would just be me and sleeping beauty upstairs. 

Orgasmic French toast. Nudist walkers. Invitations to shower. Silk sheets. Waking up naked. It was all too much. I had fifteen minutes to waste before showering and I decided that the best place to get some privacy would be the bathroom floor. Surely I was safe in there. Yet, I needed something for lubricant and my hands were dry from carrying that big tray and handling all those hot plates. Gorth was known as the lotion legend, but none was kept here in the bathroom. I let myself feel a tinge of disappointment before something caught my eye. Gorth's beard cream! Of course! I felt funny opening it and using it as a pleasure salve, but it was that or nothing, so I unscrewed the cap and took some of that black balm and lathered my languishing loins in lustful loving leisure. 

After fantasizing about a chance encounter with the woman I saw on the beach a couple days earlier, I exploded into delight. It took a while for me to gather the strength to stand up. I eventually pulled myself off the floor and started the shower. The water was now warm, so I slipped in. I felt the intensity of the shower pulsate against my sore body. It felt good. I lathered up with one of the many soaps that my roommates had kept in the shower and let the water and suds run against my body. 

To my distress, I noticed that my penis was still black from the beard balm and decided to scrub it some more. Yet, the black wasn't coming off! I lathered up some soap and started to scrub it harder but nothing. My dick was stained black! I let out an angry sigh. That color was not going to come off! I climbed out of the shower and looked at the beard balm. "Do not use on skin, may stain." it said. F*ck! 

I used up all that hot water scrubbing that thing, but the color still remained a deep and dark black. Next I would have to turn to the internet in the employee dining room (I had no wifi in the room, and there was no cell signal out here) to figure out how to remove this stain. That's exactly what I wanted to do with my day off! 

So, I wrapped myself in the towel and made my way upstairs. By this time Gorth had left to work and the sleeper had begun to arouse. He was from Mexico and was a cook who worked the night shift. He didn't speak much English, but was super friendly. He told me his name was Juan and I told him my name was Dmitry. I did not tell him my penis was a dark black, but the thought of that would not leave my mind. 

Every time I masturbate here I regret it, I told myself. 

I turned around and slid on my underwear. Then I put on my clothing and left. My next stop would be the employee dining room to do some deep research on how to turn a black penis pale white again. Joy! 

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Episode 10: The Great Deluge

  D isclaimer:  The following is based on true events with elements of erotica added. It is intended for adult audiences. Similarities to re...