Thursday, September 19, 2024

Episode 6: Lilliana


The following is based on true events with elements of erotica added. It is intended for adult audiences. Similarities to real individuals is coincidental. Names and likenesses have been changed. Please read at your own risk. 

Episode 1: 

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:


"You must be Dmitry," a well-built and more-than-moderately attractive woman said to me. 

"Yes, I am," I said cautiously. She looked me up and down with a smirk. "Well, there's a lot to do, so let's not stand around." 

"Nice to meet you," I said. "You are?"

"Lilliana, the evening shift supervisor," she said.

"But it's morning," I said.

She looked at me as if I had horns growing out of my head. "Obviously," she added.

"Is Gorth here," I asked. 

"No," she said, perturbed. "He called out. And so did the host. It's just the two of us, and we have a group of 27 coming in soon." 

"I see," I said. All of the sudden I felt a tinge of fear. I was looking forward to this day and thinking about it throughout the night, and of course it would be an even bigger stress than I imagined. 

"Don't worry though," she said. "I'll take the big group in section three and you can work section two. I'll also take section one."

"I was told I could do the big group," I said, disappointed. 

"That was before Gorth decided to take a mental health day," she said. "You're new here, and you'll have a chance to take big groups later on, but for now you need to get good at taking multiple tables at once. I'm sure we can get you a seven or eight top by the end of the week. Maybe even today. But for now, we need to get this place opened up."

I worked my hardest to get everything set up, but I couldn't help but notice that Lilliana worked with such a fervor and intensity that I was dazzled by the sight of her stamina and expertise. Whenever I went to do something, she swooped in and had it finished in no time. No matter what I tried to accomplish, she had a better and more efficient way to get it done. I was both impressed and intimidated. Not only that, but I found her to be quite cute. She was curvy, strong, and had a sarcastic look to her that was spellbinding. She was a lot easier on the eyes than ol' Gorth, who spent most of his morning looking at his phone and making protein shakes while the rest of us fumbled over setting up the breakfast. 

The restaurant opened and I was silently fuming under my breath about the fact that I wanted to take the table with the woman that had been the center of my desires. Before I could focus too much on my own disappointment, I noticed a much older man with a grey beard dressed in a white apron come into the kitchen. His apron said "Chef Bill" and I knew that this was the guy who refused to give me a lemon! He looked far different than I imagined him to be, but similar enough to the guy in my dream to send a shiver down my spine. What I really appreciated about him was the way he darted around like an excited duck and spoke a million miles an hour. He also tended to hover over the female cook that I still did not have a name for. 

Before I could introduce myself to him he began to speak.

"I have some good news for the kitchen! Let's huddle up everyone. Come closer. Where's Lilliana? This also concerns her. Oh, there she is, good good. Erica, this is also for you."

Erica, oh, that is her name. 

"I have whittled down the candidates for morning supervisor to one and I am proud to say that I have chosen one that does not have the most experience, but is one that is willing to learn. They were all good candidates and some had considerable back of house experience, but I wanted someone who was humble and could pick up things right from me," the chef said while walking around. 

"That's good," everyone agreed. 

"Oh, and one more thing," the chef said, "he's a transvestite." 

Interesting, I thought. 

"I don't know exactly how, if it's a male with female parts or a female with male parts, but he spoke like a male, but we will find out when he comes. Names Clyde. I'm excited to get someone to keep an eye on this place when I'm doing prep."

The c*m stuffed toast! 

"I need to go pee," Lilliana said at this point. "If the big group of nudists come in, put them in the back and tell them I'll be out. I already got them water and coffee mugs. Menus are also set there. You can grab them coffee, but tell them I'll be taking their order." 

"Definitely," I said.Lilliana was so on top of things! 

When I went out to the front of the house I immediately saw that the group was waiting. Then my eyes moved towards the one that I was waiting for. 

My heart stopped. She looks absolutely radiant!  

She was wearing a thin-strapped bright red dress that showed a lot of leg and a bit of her fantastic cleavage. The eye-dazzling dress had a built in bra which made it so that her beautiful bouncies seemed to be a little more free. I wondered if she was wearing any panties. Of course not. She's a nudist! 

"Hello?" sounded a large older man who looked like the poster child of what nude beaches were actually full of: Time worn old men. He looked slightly perturbed that he had to wait a couple seconds while my fantasies played out. 

Dude, I'm undressing one of your nudists in my mind. Besides your server is taking a wizz.

"Good morning, right this way," I said, smiling. I looked back to catch a glimpse of those legs. Dayam! 

"I like your hair, it's cute," one of the nudists said to me as I took them all to the back. I may have blushed a bit, but I really wanted to get compliments from...

"I'm sorry, I forgot to give you my name, It's Dawn," the hottie said to me. "And you are Dmitry?" she said, looking at my name tag.

"Yes, I'm him," I said. In the flesh.

They all took their seats and started to get comfortable. The leader wrinkled his brow and looked me in the eye and said, "We have decided what we would like already. We saw the menu last night and don't need time to think. Also, we all want coffee. Two decafs." 

"I'm not..." I began, then it hit me. They wanted me to take their order. There was nobody else here. Lilliana was not out of the bathroom yet, and for all I knew, the wizz had turned into a shizz. 

"You're not what?" the behemoth said.

"I'm not going to waste your time then," I said, smiling. "So 25 coffees and 2 decaf?"

The wrinkled barge spoke slowly as if I was stupid at this point. "Twenty SEVEN coffees, two of which are decaf." 

"That's what I meant," feeling annoyed. "Okay, let me take your order and then I'll get the coffees for you. What can I get for you?"

"I want the FRENCH TOAST," the leader said. "None of that cream. Just berries and toast." 

"The cream is built in.  I mean, it's pre-stuffed. Every morning by the chef himself," I said, making a somewhat disgusted face that I definitely did not mean to make. 

"Fine!" he said. "I can spare it, after all, we're going hiking afterwards, huh nudists!"

Everyone cheered. I continued to take the orders. Lots of French toasts, lodge breakfasts, and a few oatmeals. Gorgeous ordered a peaches and porridge. I imagined myself sitting at the table with her on my lap, sans panties, and me spoon feeding it to her. Sometimes I would insert a finger and she would giggle and say "not here, wait until the room." Then I would imagine my rock hard pe...

At that moment I saw Lilliana watching me with a scowl. I phucked up. But it was worth it to see the smile on Dawn's face while she ordered those peaches and that sweet porridge. Mmmm sexy!

"Did I not tell you that I was going to take the nudists order?" Lilliana said. "Did you even listen to me, or are you deaf?"

"Uhhhhhhh..." I began. I could not seem to formulate words. That woman was INTIMIDATING! She obviously worked out, and the way she ran this place was totally different than indifferent Gorth who would tell people to come back in 15 to 45 minutes if he got tired of moving. "They wanted me to take their order. The boss guy was impatient. They all started in on me."

"Fine," Lilliana said. She didn't buy a word of it. "You could have told them I am their server and that I would be right out." 

"I thought you were pooping," I said.

"I told you I had to pee. And I also had to put on a couple new pots of coffee because we are going to go through a lot today," she barked. 

"Well, here's the order," I said, handing her my scribbles.

"No, you started it. You're their server now."

It took me close to 7 minutes to enter their order in. When it began to print, the chef got very excited. He was still trying to figure out the kind of "transvestite" that Clyde was. 

"It's a woman with a penis. I'd bet you my upcoming concert tickets on it," Chef Bill said. 

"I don't know," Erica said. I could tell she didn't really care, but was going along with it to humor the chef. 

"We got an order! The group! Look alive!" the chef said, getting overly excited, as if he had never cooked for twenty seven humans before. 

"We got a lot of French toast Erica. Now, don't lay them all at once. Slowly Erica. Good good. Let them down slowly. And the peaches, make sure it's hot. You want to serve those last. And make sure you don't overcook the eggs. Over easy is what it says. Over and easy."

Erica had been here for three years I was told, and I had a feeling she knew what she was doing. But she was silent, following the chef's obvious counsel. "Over medium should be on a bit longer than an over easy egg, but not long enough to make it over hard," the chef said, hovering over her as he spoke.

I watched the meal come together and felt really bad about Lilliana. I didn't even think of the killer tip I was going to get. I just wanted to be close to Dawn. I wanted to watch her eat. To see how she chewed her food. Was she an after-meal belcher? Did she cross those beautiful legs while she sat? Did her breasts bounce while she chewed? Where was she going to be hiking? What room was she in? I had so many questions.

"Did you ever get them coffee?" Lilliana said, smiling. She knew DAMN WELL I forgot to give them coffee. I literally ran to the coffee pot and grabbed on pot of regular and one of decaf. I bolted out of the swinging doors into the dining room and turned a sharp right into the back room where I forgot all about the one step that goes up.

"I have co....." I said, looking Dawn in the eye as I went tumbling over the step that divided the dining room areas and slammed against the ground. The coffee canisters burst on impact sending coffee everywhere on the recently shampooed floors. I swear Lilliana was laughing her ass off at this point. Probably thinking "karma tastes like coffee" or something stupid. My body hurt as I lifted myself up, but my pride was even more crippled. Dawn arose and came to my aid. I felt her soft hand take mine and I honestly don't think I had ever felt a hand so soft in my life. I wanted so badly to start kissing it and her arm and her neck and sticking my tongue down her throat right then. I blushed so badly there. The big guy grunted and made a comment about needing caffeine.

"I'm so sorry. We will brew you some new coffee right away," I said. Then Lilliana came out, with two canisters of fresh coffee. She held back laughter as she looked at me, uniform covered in it. "You're going to have to go change." She then approached the table, saying with a grin, "I will be taking over as your server."

"Awww," Dawn said. 

"Good. Hopefully you're a bit more reliable and steady on your feet," the behemoth said. 

"I assure you that you will not be disappointed" Lilliana said. 

"Let's see about that," the old guy said, as if it was a challenge. 

Back in the kitchen Lilliana informed he that he was a "real asshole" as if I didn't know. "They come in here a few times a year. He runs the tours and is hell to deal with. I'm hoping he retires or drops dead soon."  

I quickly went to change my clothes and then returned to the kitchen. 

"A transvestite has his penis still, and a transexual is a man who has a vagina," the chef said proudly.

"Actually, it doesn't work like that," Erica said.

"I have worked with many transvesties and transexuals. Back in Las Vegas we had swarms of them in the restaurant I was a part of. It's the transvestite-to-transexual capital of the world."

Erica rolled her eyes while putting the peaches on my future wife's peaches and porridge.

"Wait, that's WAY too much!" the chef said. "WAY too much!"

"But you told me to put a healthy amount on it."

"I said healthy! You're going to give the guest diabetes!" 

After it was all said and done, Lilliana gathered twelve plates on one tray and swooped it up and took them out. I watched in awe. How she did that I would never know. Never! 

After all was said and done, the nudists gathered their things began their exit to go hike to a place called Irely Lake. 

"So, they let you hike in the nude?" I asked Dawn. 

"No, park rangers don't let us hike nude," the old guy said, intercepting. "When they see someone hiking nude, they get a citation and have to appear in court. Has happened to me dozens of times. But when you have twenty to thirty people hiking nude, all of the sudden park rangers get out of your way. That's why we travel in packs. You can do almost anything as a pack." He sounded a little too proud of his way of bullying his naked way through the forest. I pictured him in front, tiny schlong swinging around with his belly hanging out as he stomped through the forest in just his hiking boots. As much as I would have loved to see Dawn naked, that was not a sight I was ready for. 

"Thank you for the food. The French toast was good. I might get that next time," he added, letting out a big belch. "Delicious!" And with that I hoped I would never see his face again.

Oh, but how badly I wanted to see Dawn again. If it was meant to be (and I just knew it was), I would see her again. 

Breakfast got busy, but all I could think about was Dawn. Afterwards, I went back to the house to check on Gorth who was laying on the couch in a towel playing his Nintendo Switch. 

"Feeling sick?" I said. 

"Nah, just needed a mental health day," he said. But if anyone asks, yes, I am feeling sick. And I'm really sick. 

"Okay. Nintendo Switch huh?" I said, changing the subject.

"Yeah. Love it!" he said. "Came in the mail yesterday."

"Speaking of switches, we are getting one at work."

"I beg your pardon."

"A transvestite," I said.

His ears perked up. "a what? Do you mean transgender." 

"Yeah, same thing right?"

"No, not at all. A cross-dresser is someone who wears clothing of the opposite sex. Transvestite is a derogatory word for cross-dresser. Being that we are required to wear a uniform, I don't think it would matter if we hired a cross-dresser. And there are quite a few people here who are transgender. One works in the kitchen. So settle down before you hurt yourself."

"I'm still learning," I said.

"How were the Country Nudists?" Gorth asked, changing the subject. 

"They were fine. Lilliana ended up taking their order since you were gone."

"Just as well. That's why I didn't go in. The big boss guy is an ass. I once spilled a couple drops of coffee cream on him and he said if it happened again he'd rip my beard and the grin under it off my face. He hates cream." 

He probably can't make any, I thought to myself. 

Well, I am going to go for a walk," I said. Gorth rolled over, revealing his entire body. I turned around and walked out. Not what I need to see. 

I made my way down to the beach where the whale was decomposing slowly. I sat next to it and looked at it. Why are we here? I thought to myself. What brings us to this place? What brings us to this moment? Ever since arriving, I feel that things have not gone as I would have liked. Mistake after mistake. What is the purpose of all this? 

What is the universe trying to tell me. Why does it put such gorgeous women in my path but reveal to me naked men? What am I doing wrong? 

There is this woman, whale, who I am deeply sexually attracted to. I want her so badly. I can't imagine my life without her. I know it's stupid, but I want to go to her and tell her that. I want to get down on one knee and ask her to marry me. She touched me, whale. She helped me up. And she told me her name. It was important to her. Maybe the bearded guy on the bus was right. Maybe this place makes one horny. My penis has been ablaze ever since I came here. 

I walked up and down the beach for a good hour. I went to and from the EDR and to the front desk where the young woman who had helped me the very first day was working quietly on her computer. She looked up and smiled. I wandered to the campsite and back. I then went to get a free coffee in the mercantile store and came out, with my hand wrapped around a vanilla latte when my eyes caught site of two big white vans pulling in with the words "Country Nudists" in big black letters on the side. In the passenger seat next to old cranky himself was my bride to be! I almost dropped my coffee and jumped for joy! 

As the van moved through the parking lot, Dawn looked me in the eyes and smiled. Even if I had tried my hardest, I would have not been able to control my legs from following after that van. It may have looked incredibly creepy, but I began to jog right behind the van as it moved its way along the small road that lead to the cliffside cabins. I had to know. I had to know if I had a future with this woman. I had to know if she would be mine! I was ready. It was time! 

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Episode 10: The Great Deluge

  D isclaimer:  The following is based on true events with elements of erotica added. It is intended for adult audiences. Similarities to re...